This past Saturday, February 15th was the Global Power Platform Bootcamp which was held across 24 countries and over 40 locations globally. This was a full-day event filled with tones of presentations, hands-on sessions and labs.
In Accra, Ghana, it was organized by the official Power Platform user group; Accra Power Platform User Group, in collaboration with the Accra .NET User Group and the MSP Community lead by Myself, Frank Odoom, Yaw Amoateng and Dawood Iddris.

The event saw over 100 attendees from all sections of the community; students, professional, hobbyist, enthusiasts and novice who wanted to learn more about the power platform and how it could improve and add value to their current roles or businesses.

The event kicked off at 9 am GMT with registration and networking and by 10 am GMT, I delivered the keynote. This was followed by a quick intro into Power Automate lead by Dawood Iddris, then an intro to Power Apps lead by Frank Odoom. Attendees were walked through the process of creating their Office 365 Developer Accounts which was used for the rest of the event. you can check out my blog post on how to set yours up here.
After a wonderful lunch break, which was provided by our community sponsor Koko King, attendees were grouped for their breakout session; Power BI, Power Apps and Power Automate. This gave them hands-on practical experience on the various platform.

We were privileged to have Samit Saini the legend Power MVP and Brian Dang a PM on the Power Apps team join us via Microsoft teams to give us some encouragement and support. Guys, thank you for your awesome leadership and community love.

After the hands-on session, attendees were regrouped for our ever-exciting Kahoot session where a series of questions were asked with the winners taking home some swags kind Courtesy Microsoft.

I would like to say a big thank you to the attendees and our Sponsors for supporting this awesome festival. We look forward to bigger and better events together.

From myself and the entire team, we say Power to You !!!